Shipping & Returns
Our policy


UK Standard Deliveries - are usually dispatched via Royal Mail Special Delivery. These deliveries are usually delivered within 2-3 working days. We reserve the right to dispatch your order via an alternative courier should we deem it necessary.

Returns & Refunds

Your order must be sent back to us within 21 days of delivery. We do not cover the cost of sending your order back to us. In order for us to process your refund with no delays we ask you to adhere to the following instructions:

•  We only accept returns sent to us within 21 days after an order has been delivered to you.
•  All return packages must be shipped with a proof of postage.
•  We are not able to process refunds if proof of postage is not provided.  
•  The goods are your responsibility until they reach us, so make sure it's packed up properly and can't get damaged on the way.
•  The items must be sent back to us in original condition with packaging
•  We do not charge refund handling fees.
•  We are unable to refund the initial shipping cost of your order.
•  We aim to accept all returns. In the unlikely event that an item is returned to us in an unsuitable condition, we may have to send it back to you.

All goods will be inspected on return.

How long does it take to process a refund?

Please allow up to 14 days for your return to be processed. All refunds will be provided via the original method of payment.